What is Tinnitus?
Tinnitus is a condition that can be very disruptive and is characterized by a ringing, buzzing, clicking, humming, whistling or other internal noise in the ears. It usually occurs in older adults, and can be caused by age-related hearing loss, an ear injury, or exposure to loud noises. This internal sound can be persistent, or may come and go. People who smoke, use alcohol, or suffer from heart disease, obesity, extremely loud noises are at increased risk.
There is no cure for Tinnitus and it can have quite a negative effect on a person’s life, manifesting in a variety of ways. Here are some ways it can adversely impact the quality of life:
Problems with friends and family
An inability to concentrate
Lack of sleep
There are also certain medical conditions that can trigger Tinnitus:
Age-related hearing loss.
Ear infections or earwax buildup.
Blockage of an ear canal.
Head and neck injuries.
Tumors of the head and neck.
Thyroid conditions.
Migraines headaches.
Medications like NSAIDs, antibiotics, cancer drugs, antidepressants, diuretics, or antimalarial medications.
TMJ (temporomandibular joint disorders).
Muscle spasms in the inner ear.
Rheumatoid Arthritis.
Stiffening of the bones in the middle ear (otosclerosis).
High Blood Pressure.
Our Whole Body Photobiomodulation Therapy (aka Red Light Therapy) has protocols in place to promote healing to manage many of these conditions effectively, and a recent Biometric Study from PubMed on the National Library of Medicine on March 2021 shed some light on how Photobiomodulation could be of benefit stating “The most recurrent objectives analyzed the action of LLLT regarding its effectiveness, with predominantly positive results in the effectiveness of the treatment of hearing problems such as hearing loss, tinnitus and vertigo,” and concluded LLLT is a great tool for professionals who take care of human hearing, helping in the recovery of patients with hearing problems in a noninvasive or drug way, thus improving the functions in which the TBLI is applied.”
How You Can Contribute to Preventing or Reducing Your Risk of Developing Tinnitus?
Tinnitus is a condition that affects approximately 30 million Americans. It can be a very disruptive and distressing problem, but there are steps you can take to prevent or reduce your risk of developing tinnitus.
Reducing stress levels.
Avoiding loud noises.
Have any blockages of earwax removed,
Use a white noise machine.
Wear a masking device to protect the ears.
Consider the use of hearing aids.
Consider medications to potentially reduce Tinnitus symptoms.
Consider surgery for any underlying conditions related to the blood vessels in the ears.
Making lifestyle changes is very important when managing illness, and implementing a plan that includes a relatively new, innovative, noninvasive option like Red Light Therapy can promote healing for the symptoms associated with Tinnitus and make living with it more manageable.
A. J. Harewood
Contact The Wellness Center today to explore your options and schedule your initial session on the road to wellness. The first session is free and we’re here to help!
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The information contained in this article, and information curated from third-party links are for informational purposes only and should not be used or interpreted as diagnosis or medial advice. It is your sole responsibility to consult with your medical doctor regarding any therapy plans or complementary care you might be considering for your personal medical care.
Scheffer AR, Mondelli MFCG, Tavares RDSCR. Photobiomodulation Therapy in Hearing Related Aspects: an Integrative Bibliometric Study. Int Tinnitus J. 2021 Mar 1;25(1):59-65. doi: 10.5935/0946-5448.20210012. PMID: 34410081.