What is Sleep Quality and How Can You Improve It?
Sleep is an important part of our physical and mental health, but how do we know if we are getting quality sleep? Just to clarify, sleep quality is the measure of how well you sleep and whether it is a restful or restorative sleep. Improving your sleep can done in a variety of ways, and in this article, we will share some sleep statistics, learn more about sleep quality, and discuss how to get the best sleep possible.
Sleep Statistics You Might Not Know:
It is estimated that 94.8% of adults lose at least one hour of sleep due to pain in a given week.
Studies show that 57% of people who experience regular pain wake up at least three times during the night.
An estimated 70% of adults with seasonal affective disorder (SAD) feel tired during the winter months, compared to 44.2% of those without it, according to a SleepFoundation.org survey. | Learn more
It has been reported that 83% of adults with depression may have at least one symptom of insomnia.
As much as 91% of adults in the United States with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) also suffer from insomnia.
An estimated 50-70 million people in the U.S. suffer with ongoing sleep disorders.
According to a survey conducted by the SleepFoundation.org in June 2022, of the 1,250 adults surveyed in the U.S., 94.8% of them reported having lost at least an hour of sleep due to pain in total in the past week, 85.1% have lost at least two hours of sleep each night due to pain.
Active Duty service members are 34% more likely to experience insufficient sleep over those who have no history of military service.
How Technology Can Help You Improve Your Sleep Quality?
Sleep quality plays a huge role in brain health and recovery, and poor sleep quality can lead to medical conditions such as seasonal affective disorder (S.A.D.), Major Depressive Disorder (MDD), dementia, or Alzheimer’s Disease. Red light therapy at The Wellness Center uses an innovative full-body red light therapy pod that uses 4 low-level wavelengths of red and near-infrared light to stimulate your body’s natural healing processes and improve overall health.
A study published in the IOS Press on June 14, 2022, showed “After five days of PBM therapy targeting the prefrontal cortex, sleep efficiency, and N-back cognitive performance were improved after 5 days.” Our Whole Body Pods provide a vast array of protocols programmed to address Sleep Quality and other conditions that can adversely affect your sleep. Which has proven to highly increase sleep quality, as well as many other aspects of life.
Tips To Improve Your Sleep Quality:
Stick to a regular sleep schedule.
Take a bath or shower before bed.
Get at least 20 minutes of physical activity daily.
Do not take naps during the day hours.
Activate the do not disturb setting on your phone to quiet notifications.
Start to wind down about an hour before bedtime by doing only relaxing activities.
Keep the room dark or dim the lights to increase Melatonin levels for a more restful sleep.
Try using Melatonin and minerals like magnesium and zinc to enhance sleep.
Eat foods light eggs, fatty fish like salmon or sardines, and mushrooms to increase Melatonin levels. Almonds, walnuts, pistachios and cashews may also contribute to a more restful sleep.
Do what you can to limit stress where possible.
Spend some time in the sunlight.
We have covered what sleep quality is, ways you can contribute to having better sleep, and how the technology of Red Light Therapy can contribute to improving your sleep. We also know that restful, restorative sleep is essential for our physical and mental wellness. Take the next step to improve your sleeping habits and contact The Wellness Center to put the technology to work. We look forward to seeing you soon!
A.J. Harewood
Contact The Wellness Center today to explore your options to start feeling better! We’re here to help!
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The information contained in this article, and information curated from third-party links are for informational purposes only and should not be used or interpreted as diagnosis or medial advice. It is your sole responsibility to consult with your medical doctor regarding any therapy plans or complementary care you might be considering for your personal medical care.
SleepWatch by Body Matter